Wednesday, December 2, 2009

IVF on hold until January

My IVF is officially on hold until January due to the fact that my eggies are to big to start injections. It is not confirmed yet but the hospital may be able to do the IVF procedure in January. Things are changing at the hospital and we were originally told no IVF will be done between Jan-March. I'm hoping that will change, according to my doc. they are in negoations regarding the lab and she should know something by the end of December.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


So I have been really upset the last few days or I would have posted this earlier. On Friday my number spiked up way to high to do the IVF. They went up to 5200 and something. I can't believed this happened. In the beginning my E2 levels were slow to go up and then I over stimmed. I just don't get it. Not only was the cycle canceled and we have to wait and start all over but we are out the original $3991 but I also spent $2200 on my injestable medications that are obviously not returns or refund able:( This whole experience has been an emotional roller coaster. My arms are all bruised up and sore from all the blood draws. Believe me it would all be worht it if it we for a pregnancy and not a canceled cycle. URGH I don't even know what's next or when I will start my period or if we will even be able to do IVF again next month:(

Thursday, November 19, 2009

My IVF has been scheduled

My numbers are still going up (2988) and my IVF was scheduled today. Sunday is the egg retrival and Wednesday is the embryo transfer. I'm excited to have 3 days of bedrest but a little bummer that I won't be spending Thanksgiving with family. Oh well if I get a baby out of it, it will all be worth it. I'm so excited to finally be starting the process to have a chance of having another baby.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

E2 levels are still going up

Today my E2 levels were 1626. They are going up which is a really good thing. Now my ultrasound tomorrow will tell when we will be able to do the retrieval. I'm hoping for a Thursday or Friday retrival but not sure how it will play out.

Monday, November 16, 2009

My E2 numbers have sky rocketed

I'm so excited. So I think at this point I have absoulty nothing to worry about. My E2 number jump from 499 to 1155 only 24 hours later. I'm so happy. I'm excited to see what they are at tomrrow. I'm pretty sure my doc. will be doing the retrival by the end of the week. YAY!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Doc. Called Good News

I had my bloodwork done this morning and my levels went up alot. On Monday they were 55. Wednesday=65, Friday=127 and Sunday(today)=499. I'm so happy and excited. I have an ultrasound in the morning and more bloodwork. So I'm really hoping my little eggies are in there growing like crazy. I will update tomorrow as soon as I know what my eggies look like.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Today's news is still not much better

The only thing good about today was the fact that my numbers tripled but they are still exteremly low. The doc. said she is not sure why my body is not responding the way it should to all my injections. I'm just really scared that we will have to cancel the cycle. I have to go in for bloodwork at 8am on Sunday and again 8am on Monday along with an ultrasound at 9am Monday morning.

So today on the radio Maria Shaw was on 97.5. She is a well known local psychic. So I took a chance and called in to see what she had to say regarding our infertility. I told her name name, DOB and Rich's DOB. My question was, "My husband and I have been TTC for 4 years and this is our 1st month doing IVF.....what does the future look like?" The 1st thing she said was I SEE TWINS.....and my reply was AWESOME. She also said that the best time would be March 5th-July 2010. She said do get discouraged by me saying that because it can still happen now but that will be yourti me. I'm so excited. The thought of twins is overwhelming is a joyous way:)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'm starting to stress out

So my bloodwork numbers are not where they should be at all and I was worried about overstimming. Doc. put off my ultrasound tomorrow until Friday. I'm hoping some miracle happens and my levels are normal. If not 1 of 2 things will happen. Either she will cancel the cycle and we are out our 1st $4000.00 or she will up my medication over the weekend and hopefully an ultrasound on Monday will be good news.

Well I have officially not stressed until today and I must admit this is mind boggling. I will update on Friday after my am appointment.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I had my ultrasound yesterday(Friday) and everything looked great. I started my injections last night and it was overwhelming but I think I managed. It did go well and was not hard to do or painful. So far I only know my medication schedule through Sunday. I have another appointment on Monday(11/9) that consists of bloodwork and an ultrasound to make sure the medication is not over stimulating my overies. That would be bad. The egg retrieval will be done by 11/18 and the embryo transfer will be done 5 days later. I hope it is done on the 18th so when the transfer is done on the 23rd I will have an entire week off. YAY!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Doc. Appointment went very well

At my doctor appointment yesterday the cathater test went really well. She said the cathater went in very easily which will make it easy to transfer the embryos. All in all I'm really excited about that. After that appointment I had just enough time to gets some lunch with my husband before we had our injection class. The class was very overwhelming and informative. I have 4 different medications that I have to inject on a daily bases througout my whole cycle. We even got to practice and I must admit Rich did a wonderful job. He was a little nervous but got the job done without hurting me LOL.

Today I got all my meds in and I'm so overwhelmed. I must have 100+ needles and 100+ viles of drugs. Is all this necessary? My God I hope it's worth it in the end and we get blessed with more children.

My next appointment is Monday at 8:45am. I'm curious to know what will happen at that appointment?!?!?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

IVF is set to go.....

We are all set-up for IVF as of today. We signed all the paperwork and had over an hour long meeting with the doctor. She is awesome. I love her. She never rushes us, answers all our questions and gives tons of advice. We are actually hope to make my November cycle and IVF cycle but I will not know for sure until tomorrow. At my appoinemt tomorrow she is doing a cathater test to see how well my body does. If all goes well we are all set this month. I also have an injection class I have to go to tomorrow. Rich will have to give me injections daily. OMG I'm not looking forward to that. "Honey Please Don't Hurt Me"

If we do get to do the IVF cycle in November I will have to have the embryo's transfered back into my body by the 16th of November. This is because the hospital only does the transfer 2 weeks out of the month. It is possible I could miss that 16th day if my eggs are not ready but we will have to wait and see.

We decided to freeze and store any extra embryos that are left over. We will not know how many are left over until they pull all my eggs out. They will only transfer 2 embroys and in the very rare occasion that both split we may have to terminate 1 or 2 of the babies. The doctor said carrying twins is fine but 3 or 4 can be dangerous. The nurse said they will fertilize the embryos for 5 days before putting them back. She said she would call me everyday to let me know how many babies have developed and how well they are growing. They will then transfer the 2 best babies into my uterus in hopes that at least 1 sticks and becomes a viable pregnancy but if we ended up twins we would be thrilled beyond belief.

At this point I'm just praying that my appointment goes well tomorrow and we are able to do the IVF in the next 2 weeks.


Friday, October 23, 2009

Getting Excited

We have decided to do In-Vitro Fertilization

After 4 years of trying to conceive and 2 miscarriages, 2 failed IUI's my doctor had me do an HSG. An HSG is an x-ray of my fallopian tubes to see if they were blocked or damaged. The x-ray came back that both my tubes were swollen and completely blocked. We opted out of surgery to repair the tubes do to the decreased chance of getting pregnant. When the doctor told me I had no chance of conceiving on my own naturally I was devastated. Our only option for more children is IVF (in-vitro fertilization). Over the next few months I will refer to in-vitro fertilization as IVF. Our process officially starts at my next appointment which is scheduled for Wednesday Oct. 28 at 10:30. At that apppointment I will have a greater understanding of what is to come over the next few weeks of this very detailed process of trying to get us pregnant.

I will be using this blog to post our journey through this stressful, exciting, mind boggling event. We are both very nervous, thrilled, anxious and scared so please keep us in your prayers and we travel this journey to a healthy pregnancy and baby/babies.